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Emergency Response Plan

Price:  $29.95

Cat. Num.: EAV017

Proper emergency planning and response are important elements of every safety and health program, to help minimize employee exposure and injury. A number of regulations require that we develop and implement a written Emergency Response Plan to handle possible emergencies before it is necessary to perform emergency response operations. Your company will have established this program because chemical spills can pose significant safety and health risk on proper sites, when not handled properly. The Safety Manager, is responsible for developing and maintaining our company?s emergency response plan. The plan is available for review and is kept at the Safety Manager?s office. Our plan includes the following elements:

  • Personnel roles, lines of authority, and communication procedures.
  • Pre-emergency planning.
  • Emergency recognition and prevention.
  • Emergency medical and first-aid treatment.
  • Methods or procedures for alerting onsite employees.
  • Safe distances and places of refuge.
  • Site security and control.
  • Evacuation routes and procedures.
  • Decontamination procedures.
  • Critique of response and follow-up.
  • Personal protective and emergency equipment.

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