All fields are required.
Do you need to develop a company-specific written plan for reporting accidents and conducting investigations?
Yes No
Are your employees or contractors exposed to asbestos during the course of performing their jobs?
Do your employees or contractors have at-risk behavior that can lead to an injury? Do you want to reduce accidents?
Does your company need to set up procedures to minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (including hepatitis B virus or HIV) that are in compliance with OSHA regulations at your construction site?
Does your company have processes or procedures that require the use of compressed gases, such as oxygen, propane, nitrogen, chlorine, carbon dioxide, or acetylene?
Does your facility have an area which would be considered a confined space?
Does your company work with outside contractors?
Do you want an overall guiding policy statement on your company's written policies and procedures and/or general safety philosophy?
Do you need a Drug and Alcohol Program?
Do you have any employees or contractors working on, near, or with electricity?
Select ?yes? if your company may experience any of the following workplace emergencies:
Does the potential exist for chemical emergencies, such as spills or leaks of hazardous chemicals?
Do you need a program to address ergonomic issues?
Do your employees work in, on, or near open excavations (including trenches) made in the earth's surface?
Does your company have procedures for equipment that could pose fall safety hazards, or do employees or contractors perform their tasks over 6 feet off the ground?
Does the potential exist for a fire at your workplace?
Are there forklifts or other powered industrial trucks in use at your facility?
Is one or more of your employees exposed to inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or contact with any material or substance (including a gas, vapor, fume, dust, or mist) that you suspect may present a hazard?
Select ?yes? if you have any of the following:
Do you need to perform an evaluation of your workplace, identifying hazards, both physical and chemical, and noting where the PPE is or should be used?
Do you manufacture, distribute, handle, or store any chemicals at any of your locations?
Does your company generate more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste in a month or operate a permitted treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facility or is your company a licensed or permitted transporter of hazardous waste?
Is your company
Do you have noise levels equal to or exceeding an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels measured on the 'A' scale (slow response) or equivalently, a dose of fifty (50) percent?
Does your company need to set up procedures for housekeeping that are in compliance with OSHA regulations throughout your company and locations?
Do you need a procedure regarding tobacco smoke OR have any building systems whose failure, degradation, or misuse would adversely impact indoor air quality?
Do you have a laboratory where relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals are used on a non-production basis?
Do you have employees or contractors involved in work activities that are occupationally exposed to lead?
Do you need to isolate and secure machines, valves, and/or electrical equipment?
Does any operation at your company involve the use of machines, handheld tools, or portable power tools?
Do you have workplace situations where employees or contractors can be exposed to regulated substances, and must have some form of medical monitoring?
Do you offer, accept for transportation, or transport any oil in containers that can hold more than 3,500 gallons, or any oil in containers that have 42,000 gallons or more of oil in them?
Does your workplace present hazards requiring the use of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) (ie. safety glasses, hard hat, etc.)?
Do you process any chemicals on-site that pose significant risk to workers?
Are respirators or SCBAs in use at your company?
Do your operations involve more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process?
Do your employees or contractors use scaffolds to complete their work?
Do you have a non-transportation related facility that could discharge oil in harmful quantities into any body of water?
Does your workplace include any stairs or require the use of ladders?
Does your company have stormwater runoff associated with industrial activity?
Are any of your workers exposed to temperature extremes (i.e., hot, cold, windy, or wet environments)
Do you have employees or contractors that operate any vehicles?
Do your employees perform welding or cutting activities?
Select ?yes? if your construction site has issues related to any of the following:
Submit Assessment