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Confined Space Rescue Level I - Operations

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Cat. Num.: STP088
Duration: 16 Hours

Scope of Training:
Confined Space Rescue starts off with OSHA 1910.146 and NFPA 1670 and 1006 requirements for Confined Space Rescue Operations and NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer Level I. Topics covered includes, types of confined spaces, hazard recognition and control, atmospheric monitoring, personal protective equipment, rescue equipment and rigging techniques, attendant and entrant procedures, patient packaging, communications, SCBA/SABA management, confined space manipulation skills, rescue entry, patient removal and post rescue considerations. Students will be trained to the Rescue Entrant and Rescue Attendant level. Non-entry and entry type rescues will be practiced, including limited access spaces.

Course Objective:

Prerequisite: Rope Rescue Level I

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